Saturday, August 20, 2011

Understanding the Middle East and your business will thrive

Stereotyping Middle East at your own risk. Not because of the danger, but because Middle East is full of potential which is not completely realized.

The region is full of rich oil barons and senseless fanatics? Safe. Texas is therefore every Cowboys game.

The region is full of tyrants and the poor and the oppressed face? Safe. So in South America.

I recommend a look nine on the cradle of civilization. I recommend you take a look to invest in the Gaza Strip and industry construction companies and Afghan was. Why?

Two very simple and obvious reasons. First...

Ofmoney. Of BESTWAYTOINVEST "" Middle East is memorable political change and for the most part, its economic future will be little plu a guesstimate - but for a few good informed, risk-lusting, it will be the opportunity of his life. ""

The West in General and the United States in particular is rolling the dice on the region. Trillions of dollars spent and thousands of soldiers have died and thousands of people who perished. You don't agree with the fighting to see that Afghanistan and Iraq are now nations eager for growth.

Of the United States today, "us and Iraqi officials say risk of American companies lose quick to establish strategic links in the long term with the Iraq.".

Millionaires are popping up in Iraq do not suck off the Baathist regime. Car, cell phone dealers dealers and, Yes, internet marketing experts. Real estate investment is growing exponentially. Why not you?

Why invest in Afghanistan? I'll give you 3 reasons...

The Afghanistan is a market of strategic importance, rapid growth close to some of the strongest and largest markets in the emerging world growth
Afghanistan offers an environment minded pro-business legislation favourable to private investment
The Afghanistan is rich in natural resources

There are 50 State enterprises ready for privatization. Why not you?

Why invest in the Gaza Strip? This leads to my second reason to revisit Middle East investment...

We cannot simply wait. People hungry, angry, say-enfranchised are easily manipulated. Allow Gazans to know that the West is interested in their security and their security will do wonders for the overall security situation in the region. Gazans should be aware that security comes from working with their neighbors to help them in turn.

Peace comes not always of barrel of a gun or an explosive car packed in a crowd. Peace comes generally when people are healthy, happily employed and know that their children have the potential for a better life then their own lives. No hope, no peace. Take America. Americans are feeling desperate right now, and the current administration may suffer big losses in the next elections cause of it.

Blow of eye autour. Hope is everywhere. The woman disfigured on the cover of time is to get a new nose. Afghanistan women receive an education in record numbers and will bring new opportunities. Persons are East of the community as a partner.

In America people take their future into their hands. Americans are from their own businesses and taking opportunities to develop the future under their control. Why not you?

Richard Szulewski

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