Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Iran: First stop to establish democracy in the Middle East

In recent weeks, many European officials and Americans have recognized that the path to a free Middle East goes through Tehran. In other words, the only way to see the peace and freedom prevail in the Middle East and especially Iraq, is to see a democratic Government, took power in Iran.

Although the Iranian people have been saying this for 3 years while being pretty much ignored by Westerners, but this conclusion is in itself a sign of achieving an understanding new and deeper in the region by Western leaders.

Before the war in Iraq, the Americans thought they could some how get with the Iranians as the largest neighbor in this country. Of course, United States, through the diplomatic channel, officially requested the Iranians do not interfere in the war and for the duration of the operations and they have actually managed to keep them. Later, it turned out that the Americans had actually met with the Iranians, a few times in Europe, to discuss the issue.

In consideration of interference do not during the war, the Iran asked the allies to bomb and annihilate their enemy of long date, the Organization of the Mujahideen peoples of Iran (WIPO) was founded in Iraq. WIPO is recognized as the largest and most organized Iranian dissident movement which exists outside of the country and pledged to overthrow the mullahs in Tehran. Just before the war, WIPO stated non-partisan war nonetheless their base bombed and many of their members were killed.

Shortly after that, WIPO and the American command in Iraq reached a peace agreement with WIPO on the protection of U.S. forces under the Geneva conventions.

After the war, the Iran, be under growing international pressure for its nuclear activities suspicious and dreaded human rights records, realized the danger to be surrounded by the Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In addition, the vacuum of a central power Iraq has blushes first the possibility of reaching a desire for a long time by Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, and his followers to pursue the dream of an Islamic Empirevia the Iraq to reach the holly of lands in Israel.

In announcing the plan for a free and open Middle East by President Bush and other world leaders, it was clear to the Iranian theocracy that the planed future does not include their ideologies towards the rear. To survive, but the Iranians have found their use in overlap ahead full force ensuring that the Iraq becomes "another Viet Nam" for Americans.

Interference in Iraq has been through different ways. Bader group was founded in Iran, who had been the formation of a day for many years has now been Iraq taking key rules in the newly formed Government security forces and it is. Using the Bader forces and other groups in Iraq, the mullahs have managed to create a field of battle against the Americans, therefore they think not the unthinkable.

Also, pure and simple of cheating in the election, the mullahs managed to support a majority of seats in the new Parliament and whether it was not for the millions of Iraqis in the Iraq of streets chanting "Iran"get out "they would have managed to install a puppet government in this country."

Shortly after the cheating in the election Iraq Iran and his bloody hand in the daily bombardment of the Iraq scenes were exposed, and after mounting international pressure, the Iranians began to lose their grip on the situation gradually and began to find themselves being pushed by the international community.

To draw lessons from the past and does not make the same mistakes twice we must remember that, for as long as the Iranian regime exists in Middle East, it will be maintained of any formation of democracy in the region that we currently see in the regeion.

The geopolitics of the region dictate the Iraq democratic defenders are testing in practice first hand and said: "the path to democracy in the region, certainly passes through Tehran." We will see only the peace and democracy in Iraq when there is a newly democratic Government Pacific is established in Iran.

Nima Sharif is a political writer and human rights and the Publisher of the Web site: http://www.stopfundamentalism.com

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